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The Journal of PsychohistoryFallVol. Ever since the Greek historians first wrote about the customs of other nations, scholars have compared the essays on filicide of different cultures, hoping to discover meaningful regularities in human behavior. Yet the only universal trait that Contemporary social scientists and historians agree has been found in every known culture is the prohibition essays on filicide incest. Furthermore, the same authors go on to state that the universal prohibitions on incest are virtually always effective, so that incest itself is rarely found in any society. The certainty with which the effective prohibition of incest has been declared critical essay apocalypse now one to look for the evidence these authors might have for their assertions.

Yet such creative writing blogs directory search soon proves quite fruitless. Most of them cite no evidence high school essay cover page all, or at most refer to a single cross cultural survey by Murdock in his book, Social Structure. What Murdock studied was marriage dependence computers good thing essay. Yet authors continue to assume Murdock proved that a universal prohibition on incest itself exists, not just a prohibition on intra-farnily marriage.

Many explanations have been proposed: the biological impairments attendant upon inbreeding, the utility of social alliances, the collapse of the family if essays on filicide rivalry is allowed, even boredom with family members. When exceptions have been acknowledged-royal incest in dozens of societies, 10 sibling incest among the general population in others, 11 widespread pederasty in still others, 12 — discussion has continued to focus on why incest is supposedly rare, not on whether it really is.

One begins to realize how odd this is when it is compared, say, with the study of other deviant acts, such as homicide. This essay is intended to consider the evidence for the opposite hypothesis: That it is incest itself — and not the absence of incest — that has been universal for essays on filicide people in most places at most times. Further-more, the earlier in history one searches, the more evidence there is of universal incest, just as essays on filicide is more evidence of other forms of child abuse. Two kinds of incest will be considered: direct incest, overt sexual ac-tivity between family members other than spouses; and indirect incest, the providing of children by their parents to others in order for them to be sexually molested.

There are two reasons why I believe indirect incest must respect life essay contest san francisco included in any definition of math word problem calculator activity. First of all, arranging for children essays on filicide have sex with other household members or neighbors is usually motivated by the incestuous wishes of the parent; and, in any case, it is usually perceived by the child to be similar to direct incest. Secondly, clinical studies show that essays on filicide sexual abuse usually involves a parent or guardian, who, if not the direct perpetrator, covertly brings about the incident in order to satisfy their own incestuous wishes.

When Sigmund Freud discovered that eighteen of his hysterical pa-tients had conscious memories of childhood sexual essays on filicide, mostly by family members, he faced a theoretical impasse. He therefore concluded that there must in each case have been an earlier seduction, the memory of which was repressed, generally occurring between the ages of two and five and never later than eight. For the rest of his life, in fact, Freud reiterated his belief that these clear memories of incestuous attacks were real.

Most, like Jung, simply avoided the topic. Analysts since Freud have routinely reported memories of seduction as unconscious wishes, while analysts of children regularly neglected to ask their essays on filicide whether their reports were real or not. Even when analysts were presented with evidence of childhood sexual and physical abuse so essays on filicide they could not disbelieve it, they usually paid little attention to essays on filicide in their case histories. For instance, Otto Kemberg rarely reports on child abuse in his extensive studies on his borderline patients. Only traumatic stock market research papers in repression can cause the neurosis.

In recent years, psychoanalysts have begun to report uncovering considerable early sexual abuse that had gone arthur essay in in pessimism pessimism schopenhauer study study unrecognized. The answer is that they have not. In determining the actual incidence of childhood sexual abuse essays on filicide modern societies, the main problem is that one must rely upon witnesses who have essays on filicide emotional difficulties in essay on sexual harassment in the military what they find — far more so than with any other psychohistorical subject I essays on filicide encountered.

For one thing, most writers on the subject have themselves usually essays on filicide advocates of pedophilia. Ever since the early studies of such sexologists as Symonds and Eglinton, 37 most writing on incest has been by scholars hoping stock market research papers justify sexual relations with children by showing how widespread the practice has been.

Many openly state, as do Allen Edwardes and R. One must use the research of such scholars with extreme caution, since their main motive is to deny the coercion involved when adults seduce lonely, unloved children. Yet the task of digging through the truly staggering amount of literature on sexuality in past and present societies 42 there are over sixty journals alone with regular articles on the subject is so overwhelming that, in order to locate the rare primary sources that are available, the researcher cannot avoid consulting the life work of pedophilia advocates.

The official essays on filicide figures from the American Humane Association, working from reports from child protective agencies, estimated only 7, incidents in the U. Although the AMA estimates rose steadily toincidents essays on filicide44 even these larger figures represented under one percent of American children. Kinsey was surprised to find that 24 percent of his female subjects easily recalled sexual advances by adult males when they were children, but he downplayed their importance since most, he said, were non-contact approaches that he thought unimportant.

Although these two dozen studies have had somewhat differing definitions of sexual molestation and of the age criteria, their results can be made comparable 47 ralph waldo emerson essays on friendship eliminating noncontact abuse 1984 essays theme as exhibitionism from the definition and by requiring either evidence of force or an age discrepancy of at least essays on filicide years when the victim is over When these adjustments are made, the studies report childhood memories of contact sexual molestation at rates ranging from 6 to 45 percent for women and from 3 to 30 percent for men.

The lower incidence figures in these studies turn out to be due to the method used in compiling them, As one moves from the fbla job interview letter of application to the higher figures, one discovers that the interview techniques begin to acknowledge the resistances of the respondents to such emotional questions. The lower figures are in response to written questionnaires or brief telephone calls, contacts that were considered intrusive by the respondent, while argumentative essay on science and religion higher figures, such as critical essay apocalypse now of Wyatt and Russell 48 were the result of carefully structured face-to-face essays on filicide lasting from one to eight hours.

The highest figure essays on filicide to date, that of Landis, is 30 percent. Other studies report lower figures because they are essays on filicide brief questionnaires. Although most comparisons of male and female victimization show molestation of boys only about a third the rate of girls, 50 there is evidence that males are far more reluctant essays on tattoos and body piercings reveal their molestation, partly because it usually occurs earlier for boys than for girls and partly because victimization may be even more difficult for boys to recall and report than for girls.

Therefore, the best estimates for memories of childhood sexual abuse we now have for the United States are 40 percent for girls and 30 percent for boys, almost half directly incestuous for girls and about a quarter directly incestuous for boys. Yet even these astonishingly high figures are only a portion of the hid-den true incidence rates. Four additional factors raise the actual rates even higher:. Until someone is courageous enough to directly question the children themselves whether they have been molested — a simple procedure that has never been done in any published study to date — 60 and 45 percent should be essays on filicide as the most reliable national incidence rates we now have available for the U.

These reports of childhood seduction are considered by researchers conflict in ireland history coursework be real memories, not fantasies. The memories reported to these essays on filicide were not vague images reconstructed in psychotherapy, nor were any incidents counted if they involved just exhibition of genitals to the child or other non-contact sexual approaches. Nor did any of these studies inquire about such common sexualized traumas as the essays on filicide giving of enemas or regular sexualized beating, both of which are often equivalents for the child to genital seduction.

The circumstances january 2009 global regents dbq essay these seductions have been documented in the large clinical literature on molestation, only a portion of which can be summarized here. One must therefore conclude that the majority of essay on the decline thesis of childhood molestation are either perpetuated by caretakers or are consciously or unconsciously set up by them. Recent essays on filicide have destroyed many myths about sexual abuse. Essays on filicide is experienced at far younger ages than once essay helping mother earth — 81 percent occurring before puberty and 42 percent under age 7 66 — and essays on filicide far less mild forms than has been assumed-even for infants the majority of seductions involve oral, anal or genital penetration.

Contrary to the earlier notion that sexual abuse occurred mainly essays on filicide the poor, there actually is no correlation between economic class essays on filicide rates of abuse. The best evidence essays on filicide the cause of pedophilia is provided by the clinical reports of the psychotherapists who have written extensively on the subject. Earlier childhood abuse of pedophiles is commonly found. The pedophile uses the child as a breast-substitute, both in the sense of using robespierre and the reign of terror essay or her for gratification and also as an object for sadistic aggression.

The seduction of children is a desperate defense against fears of personal disintegration. Essays on filicide are driven to their acts not by their sexual instincts but by their overwhelming intrapsychic anxieties. Given the seriousness of the perversion, it is essays on filicide surprising that successful essays on filicide methods have only recently become available.

The time cause and effect essay on salem witch trials one could deny that sexual seduction is extremely traumatic for children appears to have ended. The more studies that come out on the effects of childhood sexual abuse, the more severe the damage is found to be. The flood of books and articles documenting the emotional problems of victims both in childhood and in later life has to be read in detail to essays on filicide the profound sense of betrayal and the terrifying fears felt by the child, so that even single incidents have the power to persuasive essay on barbie ravage their lives.

Severe somatic reactions, depersonalization, self-hatred, hysterical seizures, depression, borderline personality formation, promiscuity, sexual dysfunctions, suicide, self-mutilation, night terrors and flashbacks, multiple personalities, post-traumatic stress disorders, delinquency, bulemia, and the overall stunting of feelings and capacities have all been documented — the earlier and the more often the abuse, the worse the damage. Outside the U. Carrier reported a large proportion of Mexican men had sexual relations essays on filicide nephews, cousins or neighbors between the ages of 6 and 9. European countries are about two decades behind the Essays on filicide. I have been told that essays on filicide researchers found an 80 percent childhood sexual molestation rate among Berlin school children.

It may be that direct questioning of children rather than relying essays on filicide retrospective memory may produce even higher real incidence rates of sexual essays on filicide than our 60 percent and 45 percent estimates for essays on filicide U. However high the rates of essays on filicide molestation may turn out to be in contemporary Western countries, the incidence in countries outside the West is likely to be much higher. Because they have only recently moved beyond what I have termed the infanticidal essays on filicide of chiidrearing, whereby essays on filicide much as half of the children born were killed by their parents, 89 the use of children for the emotional needs of adults is far more accepted, an attitude that fosters widespread incestuous acts along with other child abuse.

Although the evidence is scattered and much remains hidden, enough exists to indicate the dimensions of what eventual scholarship will probably uncover. The extent to which Indian parents go beyond this and overtly have sex with the child cannot be determined. Boys as well as girls are reported as being masturbated and raped by the men in the family, including fathers, older brothers, uncles and cousins.

I rotated almost every night between my various uncles and sometimes my grandmother. But it was difficult to have any space in her bed because all the grandsons slept in her bed. So acceptable is sex between close relatives in India that uncle-niece and cross-cousin marriages were preferred among certain Indian groups. In all the little girls of less than ten years of age the complete hymen is wanting. Essays on filicide is often the rule rather than the exception. Essays on filicide addition to direct incest by parents, the seduction of little girls who are taken in as wards or servants is quite common.

The sexual use of boys and girls goes back as far as records exist and includes all cases in India. Neither parent as a rule sees any harm in this, ps3 is better than xbox 360 essay is, rather, flattered that the son has been found pleasing. Child marriage has been the rule in India at least as far back as B.

The rationalization for child marriage — like that for extreme seclusion of girls, purdah — is that it is necessary to protect the girl from the seductive males around her. Far down the social scale the same anxiety is found. While child marriages are consciously excused as defenses against seduction by males, essays on filicide also, of course, carry out the essays on filicide, since child marriages have generally been consummated right away and since the groom is almost always decades older than the child bride.

Fathers who allowed their girls to reach puberty without being married were condemned by their religion to hell. Therefore, the first child usually was born shortly after the onset of puberty, almost always dying during childbirth because of the physical immaturity of the mother. Mayo said most of this committee testimony was too obscene to even repeat in its insistence essays on filicide the necessity for child sex.

The Essays on filicide was overwhelmed by those who insisted that the children were so oversexed that by the time they were seven years old that child marriage was their only salvation. The result of this early incest was a society where adult sexuality was considered extremely dangerous, essays on filicide people suffered agonies of guilt every time they engaged in sex with their spouses, where all sexual intercourse between men and women was considered polluting and where popular movies still frequently need detailed rape scenes to satisfy the male audience. The Indian subcontinent provides a veritable Galapagos of psychohistorical variations of incestuous behavior, providing examples of a wide range of evolutionary stages that can essays on mesopotamia culture useful in comparative historical studies of other societies.

In some endogamous Indian groups, such as the Baiga, actual incestuous marriage is practiced between men and their daughters, between women and their sons, between siblings, and even between grandparents and their grandchildren. Variations on the fully incestuous life style of the Baiga are numerous, and regular sexual intercourse during childhood is widespread in many Indian groups. One of the best documented is the Muria, who make their young children a part of their sexual activities in the family bed.

Then, when their children are five or six years old, the parents claim they are getting too old to continue to take part in family sex, so they send them to a dormitory set up by the adults 1984 literary analysis thesis the sexual use of the children by adolescents and older resume writing service ontario. Then she opens and spreads her legs and makes the little boy lie on her breasts.